Teen Relationship Tune Up

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Learn from Ben Pugh, Certified Life Coach, Dad, Award-winning Foster Parent & Principal.

Fix Any Relationship Problem in less than 15 Minutes

Commit to love.

Respect their process.

Stop trying to control/fix them. 

Take 100% responsibility.


I was at the end of my rope when I started working with Ben and things completely changed for the better.

I was most worried about my son being put behind bars. I was always screaming and yelling and now everything is calm.

Me and my son talk to each other. If he has any problems, he'll come to me. We have a really good relationship now.

Thank God for Ben.


One thing I took from all the coaching that we did around my teen was how important it is to let of control and how freeing that is for me.

I spent so much energy trying to control Ren, and it simply did not work. And I will tell you the best thing ever is letting go of control.

It took me a while to to learn that. But that is the best thing ever. And as Ren gets older, I have seen real growth in this area.


Teen Relationship Tune Up

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